Join SimplePhoto  

SimplePhoto Premium Details

  • All online gallery sales are charged a 5% commission. All PrePay events are charged a 3% commission. At the beginning of each month, your e-Wallet credit card will be charged for the previous month's commission.
  • $50 per month Premium Membership Fee will automatically be billed to your e-Wallet on the first of every month starting on May 1, 2024.
  • Photographers pay a prorated amount for the current month when they sign up. Your e-Wallet will be charged $10.00 for the remainder of this month.
  • Premium members receive 4 free hours of one-on-one consulting hours per month.

Post Unlimited Images! In virtually all cases, SimplePhoto does not charge per image hosting fees. Please note that SimplePhoto reserves the right to charge per image hosting fees to customers who consistently post a high volume of images and who sell very little. SimplePhoto will give these customers notice before enforcing any per image hosting fees.

SimplePhoto consulting involves helping our members understand SimplePhoto features and functionality. It also includes, but is not limited to, building pricelists, custom graphics and email marketing consultation. All consulting services are subject to the availability of the SimplePhoto support staff. Unused consulting hours do not rollover - any hours not used in a given month are not carried forward to future months. SimplePhoto consultation is billed at the rate of $45 per hour, billed in hourly increments. SimplePhoto must receive approval before paid consulting hours are dedicated. Time spent troubleshooting or fixing system problems are not counted as consulting hours.

Photographer Information

First Name* required Last Name*
Company Name* Address*
City* State* Zip* Country*
Phone Number* Cell Number  
Primary Email Address* Secondary Email Address Web Site Address

Password* Verify Password*

How many students or schools do you photograph in a year?
Which labs do you currently work with?
Which volume photography software systems are you currently using (such as DRUMS or Timestone)?
Check all SimplePhoto features you feel apply to your volume photography business:
Reorder Proof Spec
Prepay Green Screen Digital Delivery
Multi-pose Packages Build Your Own Packages Batch orders sent to school

Additional comments/questions

Enable Email Marketing Features

In order to make use of the SimplePhoto Email Marketing features, you must agree to abide by the SimplePhoto Email Privacy Policy. This policy states that your company will not disclose your customer's email addresses through sale, trade, or rent to others.
I agree to abide by the Email Privacy Policy and I wish to make use of the Email Marketing features.

I accept the Terms of Service